Possible Bug or Oversight: Selecting Backup Folder (Local) Windows 10

To get your bug fixed faster please try to answer the following questions:

  1. Which browser, operating system and versions of those are you using?
    Firefox, Windows 10
  2. What are the steps you took that lead to the bug?

A. Unzipped the app to a non-standard folder (in case this is a problem, you can clarify)
B. Double-clicked the app executable
C. Didn’t realize it was minimized to tray
D. Decided to try viewing folder-select.html in browser

The page displayed from Step D included a prompt to Select Folder and a button for the purpose.
The dialog that opens is a FILE selector, not a FOLDER selector. Fail.

E. Discovered Memex Backup Helper in system tray.
F. Right-clicked icon and selected “Change backup folder”
G. A proper FOLDER selector dialog opened.

So, the bug perhaps is that the folder-select.html is not displaying the FOLDER dialog.

I noticed that Mac users are instructed to store the backup helper app in their application folder, otherwise it won’t work. No such caveat exists for Windows users, right?

Finally, perhaps the wizard should tell users to look in the system tray for the app, or am I doing it wrong?

