Saving to Memex manually by just saving the URL

Save pages by manually pasting link similar to pocket (attached img below) and preferably giving a title to the URL.
Would be useful in cases where extension cannot save certain pages.



manually by just saving the URL

Is fetching page data when a URL is given manually out of scope or do you suggest saving only URL?

Not necessarily out of scope. But to understand the difference between the request you posted before with the button to index either title or URL, I think it would be good to understand in which cases you’d like to index a url on demand?
In which situations can’t you just visit it and then have it indexed?

Ok, so would the following features solve it?

  1. Being able to manually add a url + title
  2. Being able to modify the title of an entry

That would solve it.

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@BlackForestBoi I think this feature request has to do with two completely different points:

  • one thing is: have Memex index only the pages/URLs that are given to it by the user, which will boil down to keeping the automatic indexing turned off; I tried to do that, but while “off”, Memex cannot index/ingest anything (not even annotations)

  • another thing is about the editability of the ingested/indexed URLs and their titles
